Located in the USA
(540) 364-8233
General Inquiries or Info: info@celebrateadoption.com
Website Help or Advertising Inquiries:
We are a family owned business. We started CelebrateAdoption.com while we were in the process of adopting our oldest daughter from China.
Our website was initially a resource, a compilation of links and information about adoption in general that we gathered while waiting for our daughter. It grew over the years and became known as a wonderful resource for adoptive families as well as a place where you could order unique items that celebrate adoption and forever families.
If you own or operate an adoption related business, adoption agency or business that offers multicultural products or adoption related merchandise, and would like to advertise here on CelebrateAdoption.com, please contact us. When you write to us, please include your name, contact information, website address, description of your business and any additional infomation you feel important. We love to feature other businesses that are related to adoption or have multicultural products that may interest our readers, visitors and customers.